a Free Ad
7 May 2024 08:58

I am a dance instructor for children. I also practice yoga, meditation and general fitness trainer for kids. I do private lessons at your place. I know that many children have a hard time with confidence and want more courage in movement and proper relaxation. Plus, parents don't have time to take them to activities because of the specific days or times that are not convenient for them. Today's children need extracurricular activities, but without being compared with others, judged by their classmates and placed in competitive places. For both girls and boys, movement (sport) and relaxation is very beneficial. I worked with children from 5 to 16 years old for four years. I find a common language with all the children asking them what they want to learn, what they love and what they want to achieve and then I get to work to make them feel good.
I speak Romanian, Russian and English.
£50/hour from 1 - 5 kids at the same time.

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